General Medicine self assessment from sept 2018- December 2023
Internship from :- 5/5/23- 3/7/23 Name:- E. SAI SHASI REDDY ROLL NO. :- 15 Unit 1 :- During my internship in the Department of General Medicine at an Indian medical college, I had the incredible opportunity to gain hands-on experience and expand my medical knowledge under the guidance of experienced physicians. This department focused on diagnosing, treating, and managing a diverse range of medical conditions affecting adult patients. Throughout my internship, I actively participated in various aspects of patient care and medical practice, allowing me to develop essential clinical skills and a comprehensive understanding of general medicine. Here's a detailed description of my internship experience: Clinical Rotations: I was assigned to different clinical rotations, working closely with attending physicians and senior residents. These rotations included outpatient clinics, inpatient wards, emergency departments, and specialized clinics. I actively engaged in patient assessments,